
Miner’s First Name: Francis
Miner’s Middle Name: John
Miner’s Last Name: Callahan
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Avoca, Pennsylvania
Miner’s Country: USA
Arrived in USA:
Miner Information:
Born in Avoca, PA to Irish immigrants. Father and older brothers were also miners. Worked in Knox Mine. One day Susquehanna River broke through, was on second shift and had not yet clocked into work. After the end of mining in the Pittston area worked as a janitor in Pittston Hospital. He succumbed to Black Lung in 1963. Had four children, all deceased now. Betty, Jane, Fran, and Patricia. Nine grandchildren, thirteen great-grandchildren, and eleven great-great-grandchildren.
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: Port Griffith, PA of heart attack/ Black Lung
Died: January 16, 1964
Birth Date: November 16, 1907
Married: Decenber 8, 1926
Place Miner Was Married: St Lawrence RC Church, Old Forge, PA
Wife’s Name: Mary
Wife’s Middle Name: Ann
Wife’s Last Name: Ray
Birth Place of Wife: Old Forge, PA
Wife’s Country: USA
Arrived in USA:
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death: Kingston, PA - heart failure
Died: August 8, 2001
Birth Date: November 2, 1907
Number of Children: 4
Child Name 1: Elizabeth
Child’s Middle Name: Ann
Child’s Last Name: Callahan
Birth Date: March 1928
Child Name 2: Jane
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name: Callahan
Birth Date: November 28, 1929
Child Name 3: Francis
Child’s Middle Name: Anthony
Child’s Last Name: Callahan
Birth Date: October 4, 1932
Child Name 4: Patricia
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name: Callahan
Birth Date: August 6, 1946
Child Name 5:
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Child Name 6:
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Child Name 8:
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Child Name 9:
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Child Name 10:
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Birth Date:
Author’s Name: Deborah
Author’s Middle Name: Ann
Author’s Last Name: Callahan
Relationship to Miner: Granddaughter