Pascoe, Sr.
Miner’s First Name: Frederick
Miner’s Middle Name: George
Miner’s Last Name: Pascoe, Sr.
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Wilkes Barre, PA
Miner’s Country: USA
Arrived in USA:
Miner Information:
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: Sugar Notch, PA from a Heart Attack
Died: January 11,1972
Birth Date: February 22, 1916
Married: Yes
Place Miner Was Married: Sugar Notch, PA
Wife’s Name: Rita
Wife’s Middle Name: Agnes
Wife’s Last Name: Caffrey
Birth Place of Wife: Wilkes Barre, PA
Wife’s Country: USA
Arrived in USA:
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death: Wilkes Barre, PA
Died: May 16, 2008
Birth Date: June 17,1925
Number of Children: 7
Child Name 1: Frederick
Child’s Middle Name: George
Child’s Last Name: Pascos, Jr.
Birth Date: August 15, 1942
Child Name 2: Barry
Child’s Middle Name: Leroy
Child’s Last Name: Pascoe
Birth Date: March 13, 1944
Child Name 3: Sharon
Child’s Middle Name: Ann
Child’s Last Name: Pascoe
Birth Date: December 13,1948
Child Name 4: Patricia
Child’s Middle Name: Ann
Child’s Last Name: Pascoe
Birth Date: March 19,1955
Child Name 5: David
Child’s Middle Name: Gerard
Child’s Last Name: Pascoe
Birth Date: March 30,1958
Child Name 6: Mary Claire
Child’s Middle Name: Marjorie
Child’s Last Name: Pascoe
Birth Date: July 29,1959
Child Name 7: Linda
Child’s Middle Name: Marie
Child’s Last Name: Pascoe
Birth Date: March 30,1961
Child Name 8:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 9:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 10:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Author’s Name: Sharon
Author’s Middle Name: Ann
Author’s Last Name: Pascoe Gancarcik
Relationship to Miner: Daughter