
Miner’s First Name:   Joseph
Miner’s Middle Name:   George
Miner’s Last Name:   Vitcosky
Miner’s Picture:   
Birth Place of Miner:   Pittston, PA
Miner’s Country:   US citizen
Arrived in USA:   

Miner Information:
Joseph Vitcosky was possibly the last miner employed: he was an electrician, who worked the pumps taking the water out of the Knox Mine. The day of the Knox disaster was the only day of work he missed in 56 years of working in the mines. He started working in the mines at age 9, but was too young to be a breaker boy; so they gave him a job carrying buckets of water to the mules underground. (He also worked in Henry Ford's first Model T plant when the mines were on strike here.) With the money he earned at the Model T plant, he went to electrical school in Kansas City. His money ran out before he could finish school, but it probably extended his life, because when he came back to the mines, he was made an "electrician", rather than a "miner/laborer". On his first day at the Model T plant, the boss came out and asked the assembled men, "Is anyone from Pennsylvania?" My grandfather knew enough not to raise his hand, because if you were from Pennsylvania, you were a "union man," and they didn't want you.

Place & Manner of Miner’s Death:   Pittston, PA
Died:   June 21, 1981
Birth Date:   January 24, 1902

Married:   yes
Place Miner Was Married:   Pittston, PA

Wife’s Name:   Anna
Wife’s Middle Name:   Marie
Wife’s Last Name:   Vaiknis
Birth Place of Wife:   Pittston, PA
Wife’s Country:   USA
Arrived in USA:   
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death:   Wesley Village; of old age
Died:   August 10, 2008
Birth Date:   February 12, 1910

Number of Children:   2

Child Name 1:   Marilyn
Child’s Middle Name:   Ann
Child’s Last Name:   (Vitcosky) Taroli
Birth Date:   December 27, 1929

Child Name 2:   Anna Mae
Child’s Middle Name:   Cecilia
Child’s Last Name:   (Vitcosky) Potomis
Birth Date:   May 26, 1932

Child Name 3:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 4:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 5:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 6:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 7:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 8:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 9:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 10:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Author’s Name:   Garry
Author’s Middle Name:   Stephen
Author’s Last Name:   Taroli
Relationship to Miner:   Grandson