
Miner’s First Name:   Paul
Miner’s Middle Name:   John
Miner’s Last Name:   Yursha
Miner’s Picture:   
Birth Place of Miner:   Poland
Miner’s Country:   Poland
Arrived in USA:   ~1916 -1917
Miner Information:
Employed by the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, Kingston, PA.

Place & Manner of Miner’s Death:    He died at his home in Plains, PA of Cor Pulmonale, due to Anthracosilicosis.
Died:   May 24, 1971
Birth Date:   January 15, 1891

Married:   February 4, 1917 to Anna Dzubak
Place Miner Was Married:   Holy Resurrection Church, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Wife’s Name:   Anna
Wife’s Middle Name:   
Wife’s Last Name:   Dzubak
Birth Place of Wife:   Poland
Wife’s Country:   Poland
Arrived in USA:   ~1917
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death:   Plains, PA/Hardening of the Arteries
Died:   April 10, 1962
Birth Date:   

Number of Children:   3

Child Name 1:   Agnes
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Grabko
Birth Date:   March 28, 1918

Child Name 2:   William
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Yursha
Birth Date:   November 3, 1919

Child Name 3:   Daniel
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Yursha
Birth Date:   October 4, 1922

Child Name 4:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 5:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 6:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 7:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 8:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 9:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 10:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Author’s Name:   Diana
Author’s Middle Name:   
Author’s Last Name:   (Yursha) Bartolomei
Relationship to Miner:   Loving Granddaughter