
Miner’s First Name:   Patrick
Miner’s Middle Name:   Aloysius
Miner’s Last Name:   Brown
Miner’s Picture:   
Birth Place of Miner:   County Mayo, Ireland
Miner’s Country:   County Mayo, Ireland
Arrived in USA:   1864

Miner Information:
Patrick was the son of Patrick Brown (Browne) and Bridget Scanlon. Upon arrival prior to living in Wilkes-Barre, he lived in Lackawanna County, in Olyphant, and worked in the coal mines, the name of which is not known at this time. He was employed in the Olyphant area coal mines from 1864-1865. After his marriage he bought land from his in-laws, the Stones, and built a home, a double block, on Stanton Street, in Wilkes-Barre. From 1865-1901 he worked as a laborer at the Stanton Colliery on Empire Street, Wilkes-Barre, which was owned by the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Company. Patrick retired in 1901. He and Mary Brown were members of St. Mary's of the Immaculate Conception Church, Washington Street, Wilkes-Barre. In the church there was an organization named Emerald Beneficial Association, and Patrick was one of many of the members that volunteered to help his church community. The Emerald Beneficial Association had many purposes. They helped many widows financially after their husbands were killed in the mines. Another benefit added to this membership in 1885 was a death benefit, paid to the heirs of deceased miners in the amount of $300.00. The Association also established classes for the newly arriving Irish immigrants of their parish. These classes were held in a bank in downtown Wilkes-Barre, and Patrick was one of the members involved in teaching these new arriving Irish immigrant members of the congregation, he majority of whom were coal miners. Patrick knew both Gaelic and English, and he taught the Gaelic-speaking Irish how to speak English, as well as to read and write. Patrick's method of teaching was to read the local newspaper to his class in Gaelic and then English. Sons Michael A. Brown and Martin F. Brown have memorials posted at this website.

Place & Manner of Miner’s Death:   340 Stanton Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA; Died of General Debility.
Died:   March 25, 1903
Birth Date:   January 1843

Married:   August 22, 1865
Place Miner Was Married:   St. Mary's Church of the Immaculate Conception, in Wilkes-Barre, PA.

Wife’s Name:   Mary Ann
Wife’s Middle Name:   Regina
Wife’s Last Name:   Stone
Birth Place of Wife:   Ireland; the daughter of Anthony Stone and Mary Howard
Wife’s Country:   Ireland
Arrived in USA:   1864
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death:   340 Stanton Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA. Died from General Debility and Pneumonia.
Died:   May 10, 1910
Birth Date:   August 1846

Number of Children:   7

Child Name 1:   Bridget
Child’s Middle Name:   Agnes
Child’s Last Name:   Brown
Birth Date:   May, 25, 1866

Child Name 2:   Michael
Child’s Middle Name:   Aloysius
Child’s Last Name:   Brown
Birth Date:   August 23, 1867

Child Name 3:   Martin
Child’s Middle Name:   Francis
Child’s Last Name:   Brown
Birth Date:   November 1, 1869

Child Name 4:   Mary
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Brown
Birth Date:   May 18, 1872

Child Name 5:   Catherine
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Brown
Birth Date:   May 17,1874

Child Name 6:   Margaret
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Brown
Birth Date:   March 25, 1876

Child Name 7:   Jane
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Brown
Birth Date:   September 3, 1878

Child Name 8:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 9:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 10:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Author’s Name:   Mary
Author’s Middle Name:   A.
Author’s Last Name:   (Emmett) Langdon
Relationship to Miner:   Great-Great Maternal Granddaughter