Proleika, Sr.

Miner’s First Name:   Edward
Miner’s Middle Name:   T.
Miner’s Last Name:   Proleika, Sr.
Miner’s Picture:   
Birth Place of Miner:   Minersville, PA.
Miner’s Country:   USA
Arrived in USA:   

Miner Information:
Edward began working as a breaker boy, sorting coal, in South Fork PA, in the soft coal region. Years later, he met Anna Wanda Guzik, from Johnstown, PA, where they were married in 1926. They then moved to the Wyoming Valley to settle and rasie their family of four children. Edward worked at several coal companies, including the Dorrance, Stanton, and Deroma Collieries and the Harry E (Pagnotti Coal).

Place & Manner of Miner’s Death:   After working many years in the mines, he developed black lunk and passed away at the age of 54.
Died:   May 9, 1951
Birth Date:   April 2, 1897

Married:   Yes
Place Miner Was Married:   Johnstown, PA

Wife’s Name:   Anna
Wife’s Middle Name:   Wanda
Wife’s Last Name:   Guzik
Birth Place of Wife:   Johnstown, PA
Wife’s Country:   USA
Arrived in USA:   
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death:   
Birth Date:   

Number of Children:   4

Child Name 1:   MaryJo
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Proleika
Birth Date:   

Child Name 2:   Edward
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Proleika, Jr.
Birth Date:   

Child Name 3:   Ronald
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Proleika
Birth Date:   

Child Name 4:   Fred
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   Proleika
Birth Date:   

Child Name 5:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 6:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 7:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 8:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 9:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 10:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Author’s Name:   Fred and Edward
Author’s Middle Name:   
Author’s Last Name:   Proleika
Relationship to Miner:   Sons