Miner’s First Name: John
Miner’s Middle Name: Joseph
Miner’s Last Name: Litwiniec
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Korszylowska
Miner’s Country: Poland
Arrived in USA:
Miner Information:
John Litwiniec came to the United States with the purpose of the American Dream. He worked in the mines until he developed Black Lung. He purchased a home at 711 West Grove Street, in Taylor, PA, and lived there with his wife and two sons, Edward and Walter. He had an arranged marriage that ended up being the love of his life. He was a quiet man, who was a member of St. Michael's Polish Catholic Church in Old Forge, PA. He cared for his home and his family, was a caring grandparent, and took pride in his family. When the depression hit, he was so proud, he would never let anyone from his family stand in a "bread line". He became a US citizen and also encouraged his wife to become a citizen. He never saw his parents again after coming to the United States, but it is believed that he left an older sister behind. He had a twin brother named Tomasz, who also moved to Taylor, PA, and worked in the mines. Tomasz married a woman named Anna (Wankewiecz). They had an uncle whose last name was Bednarczyk, who also worked in the mines with Joseph and helped him get established in this country when he first arrived.
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: Black Lung related
Died: 3/14/1970
Birth Date: 7/2/1896
Married: Yes
Place Miner Was Married: Village Rosochowaciec, County Skalat, Province Tarnopol
Wife’s Name: Anna
Wife’s Middle Name:
Wife’s Last Name: Ruszkowska
Birth Place of Wife: Rosochowaciec
Wife’s Country:
Arrived in USA:
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death:
Died: 2/11/1979
Birth Date: 11/8/1904
Number of Children: 1
Child Name 1: Edward
Child’s Middle Name: John
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date: 11/22/1924
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Author’s Name: Gayle
Author’s Middle Name:
Author’s Last Name: Litwiniec-Sauers
Relationship to Miner: Granddaughter