
Miner’s First Name:   William
Miner’s Middle Name:   Thomas
Miner’s Last Name:   Emmett
Miner’s Picture:   
Birth Place of Miner:   Nanticoke
Miner’s Country:   
Arrived in USA:   

Miner Information:
Worked in the Avondale Mine for 3 days in 1947; in the Lance Colliery for 1 year (1947 to 1948); in the Loree #3 in Larksville for 13 years (1949-1962). William Thomas Emmett was the son of William Henry Emmett (born on 1-31-1893, in Probus, Cornwall, England, who emigrated to Butte, Montana, in April 1912, and a second time with his second wife Edith Ann Hambly, who was born 7-4-1904 in St. Austell, Cornwall. William Sr. and Edith arrived in July, 1924, one month after they were married in St. Austell, sailing on the U.S.S. Majestic and settling in Nanticoke, PA.) William Thomas Emmett, his mother Edith, and his brother Robert (nine months old) sailed back to England on the U.S.S. Aquitania, arriving in Southampton, on January 13,1928. They returned to visit Edith's family in St. Austell, where William celebrated his second birthday the next day.) He resided in Plymouth, PA, all of his life and attended school there. William served in the Navy between 1943-1946, first as a powder man, second as the "Jack of the Dust." As a Seaman Second Class, he planned on making his life as military man, but due to a war injury he was forced to resign. He learned Upholstery from the GI Bill of rights, but was not able to find employment in that field. William had 6 children, two daughters and four sons, who still survive him. He worked in the Coal Mines until 1962, when due to his war injury he became disabled. His hobbies were fishing, making his own sinkers and fishing lures, hunting as a younger man, and producing organic vegetables in his garden from the 1960's until 2004. William died three days after his 81st birthday.

Place & Manner of Miner’s Death:   Non-Mining-Related
Died:   1/17/2007
Birth Date:   1/14/1926

Married:   Yes
Place Miner Was Married:   St. Vincent DePaul Church, Plymouth, PA

Wife’s Name:   Mary
Wife’s Middle Name:   Agnes
Wife’s Last Name:   Cassidy
Birth Place of Wife:   Larksville
Wife’s Country:   
Arrived in USA:   
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death:   Wilkes-Barre, PA
Died:   7/5/2009
Birth Date:   3/18/1927

Number of Children:   

Child Name 1:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 2:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 3:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 4:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 5:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 6:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 7:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 8:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 9:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Child Name 10:   
Child’s Middle Name:   
Child’s Last Name:   
Birth Date:   

Author’s Name:   Mary
Author’s Middle Name:   A.
Author’s Last Name:   Langdon
Relationship to Miner:   Daughter