Miner’s First Name: Matthew
Miner’s Middle Name: Taylor
Miner’s Last Name: Bottoms
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Durham County
Miner’s Country: England
Arrived in USA: 1/1/1924
Miner Information:
Worked as a miner in England at the age of 14. Emigrated to US and settled in Luzerne, PA, living with his Aunt Isabella Williams. He was a miner for many years and an organist at Bennett Presbyterian Church for 35 years. He was married 64 years before the death of his wife. He was the best dad you could ever have asked for and is missed and loved by all who knew him.
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: Died in Luzerne of natural causes at the age of 99.
Died: 6/1/1990
Birth Date:
Married: Yes
Place Miner Was Married: Bennett Presbyterian Church, Luzerne, PA 1925
Wife’s Name: Sadie
Wife’s Middle Name:
Wife’s Last Name: Fussell
Birth Place of Wife: Luzerne, PA
Wife’s Country: USA
Arrived in USA:
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death: Kingston, PA
Died: 6/1/1990
Birth Date: 9/5/1907
Number of Children: 2
Child Name 1: Jean
Child’s Middle Name: Shirley
Child’s Last Name: Bottoms
Birth Date: 6/10/1926
Child Name 2: Lorraine
Child’s Middle Name: Mae
Child’s Last Name: Bottoms
Birth Date: 11/24/1928
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Author’s Name: Jean
Author’s Middle Name:
Author’s Last Name: Brown
Relationship to Miner: Daughter