Miner’s First Name: William
Miner’s Middle Name: Felix
Miner’s Last Name: Murphy
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Rutherglen, Lanarkshire County, Scotland
Miner’s Country: Scotland
Arrived in USA: 7-27-1881; New York
Miner Information:
William Felix Murphy was the son of Felix Murphy and Agnes McKinney, residing in Scotland, of Irish descent. William was injured at Number 5 coal mine (most likely he was employed at Lance Colliery in Larksville, PA) where he received severe lacerations of his chest by a fall of coal. In 1890, William witnessed his brother John F. Murphy's death in a mining accident, when a defective squib ignited a stick of dynamite, blowing John to bits. Shortly afterwards, he left coal mining and relocated to Manchester, New Hampshire, where he found employment at Amoskeag Mill. He married and had two daughters; his wife died before their second daughter reached the age of two. William again relocated back to Plymouth Township, now known as Larksville, Pennsylvania, because his mother resided here, and he needed her to care for his two young daughters, so that he could provide for his family. He found employment in Larksville, returning to the coal mines. In 1903 his mother passed away. Sometime between 1903 and 1910 he decided to relocate to Golden, Nevada. In about 1900 his sister, Elizabeth Reilly, and her husband, Frank, had relocated in Nevada to mine for gold. I believe this is what caused William to relocate to Nevada, but this time he left his two daughters in the care of his sister Mary Murphy Kilpatrick. While in Nevada, he purchased two gold mines; he named one Agnes, and the other Catherine. He sent money to both of his daughters and his sister during this time. While he was visiting his daughters, his two gold mines were stolen; and it was then that he returned to Larksville. Within a few years he had passed away.
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: 106 Howard Street, Larksville, PA; Manner of Death - Pulmonary Congestion, and Endocarditis
Died: March 1, 1913
Birth Date: June 3, 1864
Married: July 19, 1890
Place Miner Was Married: Manchester, New Hampshire
Wife’s Name: Jane
Wife’s Middle Name:
Wife’s Last Name: Mallen
Birth Place of Wife: Bothwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Wife’s Country: Scotland
Arrived in USA: March 14, 1888; Boston, Massachusetts
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death: 287 Auburn Street, Manchester, New Hampshire; Manner of Death - Peritonitis
Died: November 23, 1892
Birth Date: May13, 1864
Number of Children: 2
Child Name 1: Catherine
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name: Murphy
Birth Date: May 29, 1891
Child Name 2: Agnes
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name: Murphy
Birth Date: November 3, 1892
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Author’s Name: Mary
Author’s Middle Name: A.
Author’s Last Name: Langdon
Relationship to Miner: Great-Great-Niece (Maternal)