Miner’s First Name: William
Miner’s Middle Name:
Miner’s Last Name: Palaczanis
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Giby, Poland
Miner’s Country: Born inPoland; lived in Pennsylvania
Arrived in USA: about 1885
Miner Information:
Died in the mines, Lehigh and WB Coal Co.
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: Mine accident: runaway cars on plane in mines, fractured his skull and broke both of his legs
Died: Jan. 15, 1925
Birth Date: 1853
Married: about 1882
Place Miner Was Married: Poland
Wife’s Name: Antionette
Wife’s Middle Name:
Wife’s Last Name: Sweslowska
Birth Place of Wife: Poland
Wife’s Country:
Arrived in USA:
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death:
Birth Date:
Number of Children: nine
Child Name 1: John
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 2: Dominick
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 3: William
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 4: Rose
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 5: Helen
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 6: Stella
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 7: Maryanne
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 8: Zygmund
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 9: Louis
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 10:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Author’s Name: Andrea
Author’s Middle Name:
Author’s Last Name: Palchanis
Relationship to Miner: great-niece