Miner’s First Name: Joseph
Miner’s Middle Name: Robert
Miner’s Last Name: Swartz
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Dupont, PA
Miner’s Country: USA
Arrived in USA: born inUSA
Miner Information:
My father worked in the Scranton, Wilkes-Barre area mining industry for over 40 years. He was employed by numerous coal companies. e worked long hard hours 5 to 6 days a week to support his family. He passed training to become a metal/nonmetal mine inspector. Was listed as a qualified miner, passed courses in flame safety lamp, roof and rib control, self-rescue. Never complained about working the mines; always came home glad to be with his family. Finished mining working to complete the Lackawanna Coal Mine tour at McDade Park in Scranton, PA.
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: Inkerman, Pittston, PA
Died: 20 Feb. 2014
Birth Date: 19 July 1928
Married: Yes
Place Miner Was Married: Dupont, PA
Wife’s Name: Eleanor
Wife’s Middle Name: Marie
Wife’s Last Name: Swartz
Birth Place of Wife: Avoca, PA
Wife’s Country: USA
Arrived in USA: born in USA
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death: Inkerman, Pittston, PA
Died: 1 May 2014
Birth Date: 1 Jan 1928
Number of Children: 3
Child Name 1: Edward
Child’s Middle Name: Joseph
Child’s Last Name: Swartz
Birth Date: 28 Nov 1944
Child Name 2: John
Child’s Middle Name: Paul
Child’s Last Name: Swartz
Birth Date: 17 Nov 1947
Child Name 3: Debora
Child’s Middle Name: Eleanor
Child’s Last Name: Swartz
Birth Date: 1955
Child Name 4:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 5:
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Birth Date:
Child Name 6:
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Birth Date:
Child Name 7:
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Birth Date:
Child Name 8:
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Child Name 9:
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Child Name 10:
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Birth Date:
Author’s Name: Edward
Author’s Middle Name: Joseph
Author’s Last Name: Swartz
Phone Number:
Relationship to Miner:
Street Address: 218 New St.
City/Town: Duryea
State: PA
Zip: 18642
Email Address: redvette98@comcast.net