Miner’s First Name: Andrew
Miner’s Middle Name: E.
Miner’s Last Name: Gavenonis
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Seol (now Seirijai) Russia Poland (now Lithuania)
Miner’s Country: Lithuania
Arrived in USA: April 1, 1899
Miner Information:
Andrew had been employed as a miner from the time of his arrival in the United States until 1935 at the Glen Alden Lance Colliery #11 in Larksville.
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: Plymouth, Pennsylvania / Natural Causes
Died: August 26, 1938
Birth Date: November 23, 1866
Married: Marriage date not known
Place Miner Was Married: Lithuania
Wife’s Name: Anna
Wife’s Middle Name: M.
Wife’s Last Name: Saveiki
Birth Place of Wife: Tejgus (now Telsiai) Russia (now Lithuania)
Wife’s Country: Lithuania
Arrived in USA: April 1, 1899
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death: Plymouth, Pennsylvania / Natural Causes
Died: October 24, 1937
Birth Date: July 26, 1879
Number of Children: 10
Child Name 1: John
Child’s Middle Name: Anthony
Child’s Last Name: Gavenonis
Birth Date: December 22, 1899
Child Name 2: Elizabeth
Child’s Middle Name: Agnes
Child’s Last Name: Gavenonis (married name was Long)
Birth Date: February 12, 1901
Child Name 3: Lucille
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name: Gavenonis (married name Ambrose)
Birth Date: May 25, 1902
Child Name 4: Charles
Child’s Middle Name: L.
Child’s Last Name: Gavenonis
Birth Date: April 4, 1905
Child Name 5: Anthony
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name: Gavenonis
Birth Date: October 29, 1907
Child Name 6: Antoinette
Child’s Middle Name: R.
Child’s Last Name: Gavenonis (married name Lincavage - shortened to Lynn)
Birth Date: October 29, 1909
Child Name 7: Anna
Child’s Middle Name: Miriam
Child’s Last Name: Gavenonis (married name Zalonis, later Stach)
Birth Date: January 6, 1913
Child Name 8: Veronica
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name: Gavenonis
Birth Date: April 11, 1916
Child Name 9: Joseph
Child’s Middle Name: Paul
Child’s Last Name: Gavenonis
Birth Date: July 28, 1917
Child Name 10: Leonard
Child’s Middle Name: L.
Child’s Last Name: Gavenonis
Birth Date: September 19, 1920
Author’s Name: John
Author’s Middle Name: A.
Author’s Last Name: Gavenonis
Phone Number: 570-287-0582
Relationship to Miner: Grandson
Street Address: 100 Wren Drive, Larkmount Manor
City/Town: Larksville
State: Pennsylvania
Zip: 18704-1641
Email Address: