Miner’s First Name: John
Miner’s Middle Name: Francis
Miner’s Last Name: Jennings
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Westport, County Mayo
Miner’s Country: Ireland
Arrived in USA: With a cousin, both age 12; no date known
Miner Information:
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: Died from crush injury to his leg and resulting gangrene.
Died: June 22, 1928
Birth Date:
Married: February 17, 1897
Place Miner Was Married: Holy Rosary Church, North Scranton
Wife’s Name: Hannah
Wife’s Middle Name: Crescentia
Wife’s Last Name: Thornton
Birth Place of Wife: somewhere in Massachusetts
Wife’s Country: USA (parents from Ireland)
Arrived in USA: Born here
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death: Died of stroke, age 81; at home 1021 Oak St. Scranton, PA
Died: October 23, 1954
Birth Date: August 2, 1873
Number of Children: 5
Child Name 1: Gertrude
Child’s Middle Name: Mary
Child’s Last Name: Jennings
Birth Date: December 16, 1897
Child Name 2: John
Child’s Middle Name: Francis
Child’s Last Name: Jennings
Birth Date: February 13, 1900 (died at 7 months on 9-28-1900)
Child Name 3: Cyril
Child’s Middle Name: Patrick
Child’s Last Name: Jennings
Birth Date: October 10, 1901
Child Name 4: John
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name: Jennings
Birth Date: January 21, 1904
Child Name 5: Margaret
Child’s Middle Name: Mary
Child’s Last Name: Jennings
Birth Date: December 14, 1907
Child Name 6:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 7:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 8:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 9:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 10:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Author’s Name: Theresa
Author’s Middle Name: M.
Author’s Last Name: Kinne
Relationship to Miner: Granddaughter