Miner’s First Name: Thomas
Miner’s Middle Name: James
Miner’s Last Name: Morpeth
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Wilkes-Barre
Miner’s Country: USA
Arrived in USA:
Miner Information:
My father, Thomas James Morpeth, had to leave Wilkes-Barre High School, now Coughlin, around 1922, when he was a sophomore, at about age 16, because his father had passed away and he was the only one at home to support his mother. The Morpeth homestead was at 15 Warrall Street, in the East End section of Wilkes-Barre. Thomas's two brothers and one sister had married and were no longer at home. My father worked in the mines from 1922 to about 1954. However, from 1930 to 1932 he spent time in Burlington, Vermont, visiting his brother, working there, and eventually marrying my mother, Mary Beatrice Fuller Morpeth. He returned to Wilkes-Barre with my mother in 1933 and re-entered the mines because work in Vermont was scarce and what there was didn't pay well. I have a pay stub indicating that my father worked for the Hudson Coal Company in 1939 as a "Loco. Eng." ("Lokie" driver?) I also recall him talking about working at the Delaware Colliery, the Dorrance Colliery, and the Baltimore Tunnel. After having spent approximately 30 years as a coal miner, my father left the mines becase in the early 1950's the mines were "idle" more often than not. He then worked in New Jersey at an aluminum factory for thirteen years and retired in 1967. He never wanted to move my mother and me to New Jersey, so he rented a room with friends who had moved there, and he would travel back by bus every weekend to Wilkes-Barre.
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: Burlington, VT, of congestive heart failure.
Died: October 4,1974
Birth Date: July 3,1906
Married: yes
Place Miner Was Married: Burlington, VT
Wife’s Name: Mary r
Wife’s Middle Name: Beatrice
Wife’s Last Name: Fuller
Birth Place of Wife: Burlington, VT
Wife’s Country: USA
Arrived in USA:
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death: Nanticoke, PA, of a heart attack
Died: June 23, 1997
Birth Date: November 10, 1911
Number of Children: 2
Child Name 1: Thomas
Child’s Middle Name: Embelton
Child’s Last Name: Morpeth
Birth Date: October 17, 1932
Child Name 2: James
Child’s Middle Name: Casper
Child’s Last Name: Morpeth
Birth Date: July 10, 19454
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Author’s Name: James
Author’s Middle Name: Casper
Author’s Last Name: Morpeth
Relationship to Miner: son