Miner’s First Name: John
Miner’s Middle Name: Martin
Miner’s Last Name: Ribar
Miner’s Picture:
Birth Place of Miner: Murnyala
Miner’s Country: Hungary
Arrived in USA: 11/30/1908
Miner Information:
John Ribar worked for the East Boston Coal Company, East Boston Mines, and the Glen Alden Coal Company. At the age of 10 he left his family in Murnyalya, Austria-Hungary, and traveled to America with a friend of his mother's. He lived with her a few years and at age 21 enlisted in World War I (#191119, 6/07/1917) at the Columbus Barracks, Ohio. He was appointed 1st Class on 09/09/1918 and was discharged 09/31/1918. After the war, he worked as a miner and ultimately went on disability for miners' asthma in 1954. He died at the age of 59 in 1957. He raised a family, living at 275 Dana Street, Swoyersville, PA. He belonged to the local American War Veterans and participated in his church, St. John Nepomucene in the town of Luzerne, PA. He suffered from black lung and was on disability from 1953 until he died on March 27,1957.
Place & Manner of Miner’s Death: Black Lung
Died: 3/27/1957
Birth Date: 8/12/1897
Married: Yes
Place Miner Was Married: Sacred Heart Church Hospital
Wife’s Name: Anna
Wife’s Middle Name:
Wife’s Last Name: Spirek
Birth Place of Wife: Bardejov
Wife’s Country: Slovakia
Arrived in USA:
Place & Manner of Wife’s Death:
Died: 9/3/1980
Birth Date: 11/7/1985
Number of Children: 7
Child Name 1: Mary
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date: 12/1/1890
Child Name 2: John
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date: 1/11/1923
Child Name 3: Anna
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date: 11/3/1924
Child Name 4: Helen
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date: 11/23/1926
Child Name 5: Joseph
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date: 7/8/1929
Child Name 6: George
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date: 11/17/1931
Child Name 7: Annette
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date: 1/28/1939
Child Name 8:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 9:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Child Name 10:
Child’s Middle Name:
Child’s Last Name:
Birth Date:
Author’s Name: Annette
Author’s Middle Name: Riba
Author’s Last Name: Pennoni
Relationship to Miner: Daughter